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How to have a natural period

Allow me to begin by saying: there's nothing unnatural about your period! Your period is natural. Period.There are, however, more natural ways around going about having your period.This post isn't about why we have our periods. I go into that in further detail in this post. This post is about how AWESOME our periods really, actually are and the fun you can have with them!If you're keeling over in pain from your cramps right now you may not necessarily agree with this, but having your period is a pretty darn amazing thing. It's a part of the wonder that is the way the female body works. It's indicative of our entry into womanhood. It's also a sure-fire sign that you're not pregnant this month!!Women have become very creative in the ways that they have their periods nowadays. The products available are endless and they're suitable for all needs and lifestyles!

Here's how to have a natural period

There are affiliate links in this post. That means, that you can enjoy some retail therapy while you deal with your monthly blessing, and at no cost to you, I'll enjoy compensation from the mentioned retailers. 

have your period naturally

Menstrual Cramps

First things first, for those poor ladies I mentioned earlier with the painful cramps, let's chat about those.The "Modern Day" in me says take that Tylenol, especially when you don't have any other choice but to carry on with your day as efficiently as possible. However, the "Hippie Mama" in me says there's a few other things you can try to have a natural period:-Heat. Use a heating pad or a hot water bottle.-Drink some ginger or chamomile tea. Both will help reduce pain and inflammation.-Keep your body hydrated and nourished. You don't want to deal with the effects of not giving your body enough. Try and limit the wine and chocolate that you're craving SO badly right now.-Have an orgasm! There have been studies to show that having an orgasm will double your tolerance for pain temporarily. It's worth a try, anyway!-If you experience painful cramps on a monthly basis give acupuncture a shot. Also, make an appointment with your naturopath who can point you in the right direction for some herbs that will work for your body.

Cloth pads

Do you know what's in the pads you buy from the drugstore? The heavily scented ones that feel like plastic? They're filled with harmful chemicals that are rubbing up against one of the most important parts of your beautiful body.A great alternative to disposable pads? Reusable ones!There are LOADS of retailers that sell magnificent cloth pads. You can order them online at Etsy!The "ick" factor with wearing a cloth pad is minimal. You can easily designate a plastic container to store them in until laundry day, or you can just toss them right in with your regular laundry!P.S. A post-partum cloth pad makes a great gift for a new Mom! She can plop that baby in with her mesh undies and enjoy comfort (?)!

Menstrual Cups

These gems are seriously awesome. You know how when your little one finds your box of tampons and proceeds to scatter them all over the floor? I do. For some reason, the massive amount of toys they have never seems to suffice and they must play with whatever they're not supposed to get into.Instead of having a whole bunch of tampons that you use every month you can trade them all in for one nifty little menstrual cup. I personally have used the DivaCup and love it! It's made of silicone, can last for 12 hours, is entirely reusable, and has two sizes; one for women who haven't had kids and one for women who have had kids or are over the age of 30! It takes a little getting used to and maneuvering to find exactly how to make it fit well for you. I'd do a tutorial on my YouTube channel, but they don't really condone that kinda thing.If you're like me and your insides have been destroyed by having children (thanks for the prolapsed bladder, kiddos!) you may find it more comfortable to actually turn the DivaCup inside out so that it doesn't fit quite so low. 

Organic tampons and pads

Okay, so maybe the reusable thing isn't your jam. That's totally cool. However, even if you aren't a hippie you can probably appreciate that natural, organic menstrual products are safer and gentler on your body. Your vagina has done some amazing things and she deserves to have a little love shown her way. You can find different types of organic pads and tampons here.Organic does cost a bit more, of course. However, consider how often you're actually buying these things! Do a few things to save yourself some money to put into more natural period products! Plus, you're dealing with everything that comes with having your period-you deserve a little luxury during that time! 

Bonus tip: How to have your period HAPPILY!

First of all, let me say that having your period can be a massive pain in the vagina. (I would say "pain in the butt", but I've written an entirely different post about that already!)Give yourself a break, lady! Obviously, now that you have kiddos your days of laying on the couch and drowning your sorrows in a massive tub of chocolate ice cream while watching corny romance movies is over. That said, you need to allow yourself a bit of time to rest. Fill your kids in on what a period is, or simply tell them you're not feeling well. Watch a movie with them on the couch. Sneak extra chocolate in the laundry room. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel a little better.At our house, I have a "Period Dinner" once a month. Thanks to my prolapse issues the first day of my period is ridiculously uncomfortable. Years ago, the first day of my period was dubbed "period dinner day" and since then that's exactly what we've done. We order take out and I get a stress free day. You could always opt to stock up on freezer meals for the occasion, as well, but sometimes take out is just what the doctor orders!

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